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2024-07-08 22:46:35 +02:00
import GLib from 'gi://GLib';
import * as Main from 'resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/main.js';
import * as Panel from 'resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/panel.js';
import { Extension, gettext as _ } from 'resource:///org/gnome/shell/extensions/extension.js';
const _origAddToPanelBox = Panel.Panel.prototype._addToPanelBox;
let timeout_id = null;
let settings = null;
let order_arr_left = null;
let order_arr_center = null;
let order_arr_right = null;
let blacklist_array = null;
let order_arr = null;
export default class OrderIcons extends Extension {
enable() {
settings = this.getSettings()
order_arr_left = settings.get_value("order-icons-left").deep_unpack()
order_arr_center = settings.get_value("order-icons-center").deep_unpack()
order_arr_right = settings.get_value("order-icons-right").deep_unpack()
blacklist_array = settings.get_value("icons-blacklist").deep_unpack()
Panel.Panel.prototype._redrawIndicators = _redrawIndicators;
Panel.Panel.prototype._addToPanelBox = _addToPanelBox;
this.settingsIDs = [];
this.settingsIDs.push(settings.connect('changed::order-icons-left', _ => {
this.settingsIDs.push(settings.connect('changed::order-icons-center', _ => {
this.settingsIDs.push(settings.connect('changed::order-icons-right', _ => {
this.settingsIDs.push(settings.connect('changed::icons-blacklist', _ => {
disable() {
Panel.Panel.prototype._redrawIndicators = undefined;
Panel.Panel.prototype._addToPanelBox = _origAddToPanelBox;
this.settingsIDs.forEach(id => settings.disconnect(id));
timeout_id = null;
order_arr_left = null;
order_arr_center = null;
order_arr_right = null;
blacklist_array = null;
this.settingsIDs = null;
settings = null;
function _redrawIndicators() {
order_arr_left = settings.get_value("order-icons-left").deep_unpack()
order_arr_center = settings.get_value("order-icons-center").deep_unpack()
order_arr_right = settings.get_value("order-icons-right").deep_unpack()
blacklist_array = settings.get_value("icons-blacklist").deep_unpack()
for (const k in this.statusArea) {
const role = k;
const indicator = this.statusArea[k];
let box = indicator.get_parent().get_parent();
if (box == undefined) continue
this._addToPanelBox(role, indicator, 0, box)
function _addToPanelBox(role, indicator, position, box) {
const container = indicator.container;
const parent = container.get_parent();
if (parent) {
this.statusArea[role] = indicator;
// not ideal, but due to recent changes in appindicator-extension we have to wait for the ID to become available
let in_blacklist = false;
waitForId(indicator, role).then(() => {
let position_corr = getRelativePosition(indicator, role, box.name, this.statusArea);
let testName = getTestName(indicator, role);
if (blacklist_array.includes(testName)) {
in_blacklist = true;
else {
setSettingValues(testName, box);
box.insert_child_at_index(container, position_corr ? position_corr : position);
}).catch((error) => { console.log(error) })
if (in_blacklist) {
delete this.statusArea[role];
else {
if (indicator.menu) {
const destroyId = indicator.connect('destroy', (emitter) => {
delete this.statusArea[role];
indicator.connect('menu-set', this._onMenuSet.bind(this));
function setSettingValues(name, box) {
let index = null;
let index_arr = null;
if (box.name == "panelRight") {
index = getSettingsPosition(name, order_arr_right);
index_arr = order_arr_right.indexOf(name);
if (index_arr == -1) {
order_arr_right.splice(index, 0, name);
if (box.name == "panelCenter") {
index = getSettingsPosition(name, order_arr_center);
index_arr = order_arr_center.indexOf(name);
if (index_arr == -1) {
order_arr_center.splice(index, 0, name);
if (box.name == "panelLeft") {
index = getSettingsPosition(name, order_arr_left);
index_arr = order_arr_left.indexOf(name);
if (index_arr == -1) {
order_arr_left.splice(index, 0, name);
settings.set_value("order-icons-right", new GLib.Variant('as', order_arr_right))
settings.set_value("order-icons-center", new GLib.Variant('as', order_arr_center))
settings.set_value("order-icons-left", new GLib.Variant('as', order_arr_left))
function getRelativePosition(indicator, role, boxName, statusArea) {
const indicatorTestName = getTestName(indicator, role);
if (boxName == "panelRight")
order_arr = order_arr_right
else if (boxName == "panelCenter")
order_arr = order_arr_center
else if (boxName == "panelLeft")
order_arr = order_arr_left
const indicatorPosition = getSettingsPosition(indicatorTestName, order_arr);
let ctr = 0
for (const k in statusArea) {
if (k == role) continue
if (statusArea[k].get_parent().get_parent() != null && boxName === statusArea[k].get_parent().get_parent().get_name()) {
const toTest = getTestName(statusArea[k], k);
let setPosition = getSettingsPosition(toTest, order_arr);
if (setPosition == null) {
setPosition = 0;
if (setPosition < indicatorPosition) {
ctr = ctr + 1;
return ctr
function until(conditionFunction) {
const poll = resolve => {
if (conditionFunction()) {
} else {
timeout_id = GLib.timeout_add(GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 500, _ => poll(resolve));
return new Promise(poll);
function getTestName(indicator, name) {
let toTest = name;
if (indicator._indicator) {
let id = indicator._indicator.id;
if (name.startsWith('appindicator-')) {
if (id.startsWith('chrome_status_icon')) {
// electron apps don't give a good ID with newer releases, so we have to revert to command line and try to get something useful
let commandLine = indicator._indicator._commandLine;
let commandLineSplit = commandLine.split('/');
toTest = commandLineSplit[commandLineSplit.length - 1];
else {
toTest = id;
if (toTest) {
const match = toTest.match(/appindicator-legacy:(.*?):/);
if (match && match.length > 1) {
return match[1];
if (toTest.includes('dropbox')) {
// dropbox needs special treatment because it appends the pid to the id.
// So we need to hardcode the name
return 'dropbox';
return toTest;
let ret = name.split("/")
return ret[ret.length - 1].replaceAll("_", "-")
async function waitForId(indicator, name) {
if (indicator._indicator && name.startsWith('appindicator-')) {
await until(_ => (indicator._indicator.id != undefined && indicator._indicator._commandLine != undefined));
return true
function getSettingsPosition(name, arr) {
if (arr == null) {
return 0;
let index = arr.indexOf(name);
return index != -1 ? index : 0;