// -*- mode: js; js-indent-level: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- import {GLib, Gio} from './dependencies/gi.js'; const {signals: Signals} = imports; import {Utils} from './imports.js'; const FileManager1Iface = '\ \ '; const FileManager1Proxy = Gio.DBusProxy.makeProxyWrapper(FileManager1Iface); const Labels = Object.freeze({ WINDOWS: Symbol('windows'), }); /** * This class implements a client for the org.freedesktop.FileManager1 dbus * interface, and specifically for the OpenWindowsWithLocations property * which is published by Nautilus, but is not an official part of the interface. * * The property is a map from window identifiers to a list of locations open in * the window. */ export class FileManager1Client { constructor() { this._signalsHandler = new Utils.GlobalSignalsHandler(); this._cancellable = new Gio.Cancellable(); this._windowsByPath = new Map(); this._windowsByLocation = new Map(); this._proxy = new FileManager1Proxy(Gio.DBus.session, 'org.freedesktop.FileManager1', '/org/freedesktop/FileManager1', (initable, error) => { // Use async construction to avoid blocking on errors. if (error) { if (!error.matches(Gio.IOErrorEnum, Gio.IOErrorEnum.CANCELLED)) global.log(error); } else { this._updateWindows(); this._updateLocationMap(); } }, this._cancellable); this._signalsHandler.add([ this._proxy, 'g-properties-changed', this._onPropertyChanged.bind(this), ], [ // We must additionally listen for Screen events to know when to // rebuild our location map when the set of available windows changes. global.workspaceManager, 'workspace-added', () => this._onWindowsChanged(), ], [ global.workspaceManager, 'workspace-removed', () => this._onWindowsChanged(), ], [ global.display, 'window-entered-monitor', () => this._onWindowsChanged(), ], [ global.display, 'window-left-monitor', () => this._onWindowsChanged(), ]); } destroy() { if (this._windowsUpdateIdle) { GLib.source_remove(this._windowsUpdateIdle); delete this._windowsUpdateIdle; } this._cancellable.cancel(); this._signalsHandler.destroy(); this._windowsByLocation.clear(); this._windowsByPath.clear(); this._proxy = null; } /** * Return an array of windows that are showing a location or * sub-directories of that location. * * @param location */ getWindows(location) { if (!location) return []; location += location.endsWith('/') ? '' : '/'; const windows = []; this._windowsByLocation.forEach((wins, l) => { if (l.startsWith(location)) windows.push(...wins); }); return [...new Set(windows)]; } _onPropertyChanged(proxy, changed, _invalidated) { const property = changed.unpack(); if (property && ('OpenWindowsWithLocations' in property)) this._updateLocationMap(); } _updateWindows() { const oldSize = this._windowsByPath.size; const oldPaths = this._windowsByPath.keys(); this._windowsByPath = Utils.getWindowsByObjectPath(); if (oldSize !== this._windowsByPath.size) return true; return [...oldPaths].some(path => !this._windowsByPath.has(path)); } _onWindowsChanged() { if (this._windowsUpdateIdle) return; this._windowsUpdateIdle = GLib.idle_add(GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT, () => { if (this._updateWindows()) this._updateLocationMap(); delete this._windowsUpdateIdle; return GLib.SOURCE_REMOVE; }); } _updateLocationMap() { const properties = this._proxy.get_cached_property_names(); if (!properties) { // Nothing to check yet. return; } if (properties.includes('OpenWindowsWithLocations')) this._updateFromPaths(); } _locationMapsEquals(mapA, mapB) { if (mapA.size !== mapB.size) return false; const setsEquals = (a, b) => a.size === b.size && [...a].every(value => b.has(value)); for (const [key, val] of mapA) { const windowsSet = mapB.get(key); if (!windowsSet || !setsEquals(windowsSet, val)) return false; } return true; } _updateFromPaths() { const locationsByWindowsPath = this._proxy.OpenWindowsWithLocations; const windowsByLocation = new Map(); this._signalsHandler.removeWithLabel(Labels.WINDOWS); Object.entries(locationsByWindowsPath).forEach(([windowPath, locations]) => { locations.forEach(location => { const win = this._windowsByPath.get(windowPath); const windowGroup = win ? [win] : []; win?.foreach_transient(w => windowGroup.push(w) || true); windowGroup.forEach(window => { location += location.endsWith('/') ? '' : '/'; // Use a set to deduplicate when a window has a // location open in multiple tabs. const windows = windowsByLocation.get(location) || new Set(); windows.add(window); if (windows.size === 1) windowsByLocation.set(location, windows); this._signalsHandler.addWithLabel(Labels.WINDOWS, window, 'unmanaged', () => { const wins = this._windowsByLocation.get(location); wins.delete(window); if (!wins.size) this._windowsByLocation.delete(location); this.emit('windows-changed'); }); }); }); }); if (!this._locationMapsEquals(this._windowsByLocation, windowsByLocation)) { this._windowsByLocation = windowsByLocation; this.emit('windows-changed'); } } } Signals.addSignalMethods(FileManager1Client.prototype);