#!/usr/bin/env gjs import GLib from 'gi://GLib'; import Gio from 'gi://Gio'; const GJS_SUPPORTS_FILE_IFACE_PROMISES = imports.system.version >= 17101; if (GJS_SUPPORTS_FILE_IFACE_PROMISES) Gio._promisify(Gio.File.prototype, 'query_default_handler_async'); function getHandlerAppAsync(location, cancellable) { if (!location) return null; if (!GJS_SUPPORTS_FILE_IFACE_PROMISES) { Gio._promisify(location.constructor.prototype, 'query_default_handler_async', 'query_default_handler_finish'); } return location.query_default_handler_async( GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT, cancellable); } async function mainAsync(argv) { if (argv.length < 1) { const currentBinary = GLib.path_get_basename(new Error().fileName); printerr(`Usage: ${currentBinary} uri [ --timeout ]`); return 1; } const [action, uri] = argv; let timeout = 200; if (action !== 'handler') throw new TypeError(`Unexpected action ${action}`); for (let i = 1; i < argv.length; ++i) { if (argv[i] === '--timeout' && i < argv.length - 1) timeout = argv[++i]; } const location = Gio.File.new_for_uri(uri); const cancellable = new Gio.Cancellable(); // GVfs providers could hang when querying the file information, so we // workaround this by using the async API in a sync way, but we need to // use a timeout to avoid this to hang forever, better than hang the // shell. let launchMaxWaitId; try { const handler = await Promise.race([ getHandlerAppAsync(location, cancellable), new Promise((_resolve, reject) => { launchMaxWaitId = GLib.timeout_add( GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT, timeout, () => { launchMaxWaitId = 0; cancellable.cancel(); reject(new GLib.Error(Gio.IOErrorEnum, Gio.IOErrorEnum.TIMED_OUT, `Searching for ${location.get_uri()} ` + 'handler took too long')); return GLib.SOURCE_REMOVE; }); }), ]); print(handler.get_id()); } catch (e) { printerr(e.message); logError(e); return e.code ? e.code : GLib.MAXUINT8; } finally { if (launchMaxWaitId) GLib.source_remove(launchMaxWaitId); } return 0; } function main(args) { let ret; const loop = new GLib.MainLoop(null, false); mainAsync(args).then(r => (ret = r)).catch(logError).finally(() => loop.quit()); loop.run(); return ret; } imports.system.exit(main(ARGV));