import { Clutter, GLib, Gio, GObject, Meta, Shell, St, } from './dependencies/gi.js'; import { Docking, } from './imports.js'; const {_gi: Gi} = imports; export const SignalsHandlerFlags = Object.freeze({ NONE: 0, CONNECT_AFTER: 1, }); const GENERIC_KEY = Symbol('generic'); /** * Simplify global signals and function injections handling * abstract class */ const BasicHandler = class DashToDockBasicHandler { static get genericKey() { return GENERIC_KEY; } constructor(parentObject) { this._storage = Object.create(null); if (parentObject) { if (!(parentObject.connect instanceof Function)) throw new TypeError('Not a valid parent object'); if (!(parentObject instanceof GObject.Object) || GObject.signal_lookup('destroy', parentObject.constructor.$gtype)) { this._parentObject = parentObject; this._destroyId = parentObject.connect('destroy', () => this.destroy()); } } } add(...args) { // Convert arguments object to array, concatenate with generic // Call addWithLabel with ags as if they were passed arguments this.addWithLabel(GENERIC_KEY, ...args); } clear() { Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(this._storage).forEach(label => this.removeWithLabel(label)); } destroy() { this._parentObject?.disconnect(this._destroyId); this._parentObject = null; this.clear(); } block() { Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(this._storage).forEach(label => this.blockWithLabel(label)); } unblock() { Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(this._storage).forEach(label => this.unblockWithLabel(label)); } addWithLabel(label, ...args) { if (typeof label !== 'symbol') throw new Error(`Invalid label ${label}, must be a symbol`); let argsArray = [...args]; if (argsArray.every(arg => !Array.isArray(arg))) argsArray = [argsArray]; if (this._storage[label] === undefined) this._storage[label] = []; // Skip first element of the arguments for (const argArray of argsArray) { if (argArray.length < 3) throw new Error('Unexpected number of arguments'); const item = this._storage[label]; try { item.push(this._create(...argArray)); } catch (e) { logError(e); } } } removeWithLabel(label) { this._storage[label]?.reverse().forEach(item => this._remove(item)); delete this._storage[label]; } blockWithLabel(label) { (this._storage[label] || []).forEach(item => this._block(item)); } unblockWithLabel(label) { (this._storage[label] || []).forEach(item => this._unblock(item)); } // Virtual methods to be implemented by subclass /** * Create single element to be stored in the storage structure * * @param _object * @param _element * @param _callback */ _create(_object, _element, _callback) { throw new GObject.NotImplementedError(`_create in ${}`); } /** * Correctly delete single element * * @param _item */ _remove(_item) { throw new GObject.NotImplementedError(`_remove in ${}`); } /** * Block single element * * @param _item */ _block(_item) { throw new GObject.NotImplementedError(`_block in ${}`); } /** * Unblock single element * * @param _item */ _unblock(_item) { throw new GObject.NotImplementedError(`_unblock in ${}`); } }; /** * Manage global signals */ export class GlobalSignalsHandler extends BasicHandler { _create(object, event, callback, flags = SignalsHandlerFlags.NONE) { if (!object) throw new Error('Impossible to connect to an invalid object'); const after = flags === SignalsHandlerFlags.CONNECT_AFTER; const connector = after ? object.connect_after : object.connect; if (!connector) { throw new Error(`Requested to connect to signal '${event}', ` + `but no implementation for 'connect${after ? '_after' : ''}' ` + `found in ${}`); } const id =, event, callback); if (event === 'destroy' && object === this._parentObject) { this._parentObject.disconnect(this._destroyId); this._destroyId = this._parentObject.connect('destroy', () => this.destroy()); } return [object, id]; } _remove(item) { const [object, id] = item; object.disconnect(id); } _block(item) { const [object, id] = item; if (object instanceof GObject.Object), id); } _unblock(item) { const [object, id] = item; if (object instanceof GObject.Object), id); } } /** * Color manipulation utilities */ export class ColorUtils { // Darken or brigthen color by a fraction dlum // Each rgb value is modified by the same fraction. // Return "#rrggbb" string static ColorLuminance(r, g, b, dlum) { let rgbString = '#'; rgbString += ColorUtils._decimalToHex(Math.round(Math.min(Math.max(r * (1 + dlum), 0), 255)), 2); rgbString += ColorUtils._decimalToHex(Math.round(Math.min(Math.max(g * (1 + dlum), 0), 255)), 2); rgbString += ColorUtils._decimalToHex(Math.round(Math.min(Math.max(b * (1 + dlum), 0), 255)), 2); return rgbString; } // Convert decimal to an hexadecimal string adding the desired padding static _decimalToHex(d, padding) { let hex = d.toString(16); while (hex.length < padding) hex = `0${hex}`; return hex; } // Convert hsv ([0-1, 0-1, 0-1]) to rgb ([0-255, 0-255, 0-255]). // Following algorithm in // here with h = [0,1] instead of [0, 360] // Accept either (h,s,v) independently or {h:h, s:s, v:v} object. // Return {r:r, g:g, b:b} object. static HSVtoRGB(h, s, v) { if (arguments.length === 1) ({s, v, h} = h); let r, g, b; const c = v * s; const h1 = h * 6; const x = c * (1 - Math.abs(h1 % 2 - 1)); const m = v - c; if (h1 <= 1) { r = c + m; g = x + m; b = m; } else if (h1 <= 2) { r = x + m; g = c + m; b = m; } else if (h1 <= 3) { r = m; g = c + m; b = x + m; } else if (h1 <= 4) { r = m; g = x + m; b = c + m; } else if (h1 <= 5) { r = x + m; g = m; b = c + m; } else { r = c + m; g = m; b = x + m; } return { r: Math.round(r * 255), g: Math.round(g * 255), b: Math.round(b * 255), }; } // Convert rgb ([0-255, 0-255, 0-255]) to hsv ([0-1, 0-1, 0-1]). // Following algorithm in // here with h = [0,1] instead of [0, 360] // Accept either (r,g,b) independently or {r:r, g:g, b:b} object. // Return {h:h, s:s, v:v} object. static RGBtoHSV(r, g, b) { if (arguments.length === 1) ({r, g, b} = r); let h, s; const M = Math.max(r, g, b); const m = Math.min(r, g, b); const c = M - m; if (c === 0) h = 0; else if (M === r) h = ((g - b) / c) % 6; else if (M === g) h = (b - r) / c + 2; else h = (r - g) / c + 4; h /= 6; const v = M / 255; if (M !== 0) s = c / M; else s = 0; return { h, s, v, }; } } /** * Manage function injection: both instances and prototype can be overridden * and restored */ export class InjectionsHandler extends BasicHandler { _create(object, name, injectedFunction) { const original = object[name]; if (!(original instanceof Function)) throw new Error(`Virtual function ${name}() is not available for ${object}`); object[name] = function (...args) { return, original, ...args); }; return [object, name, original]; } _remove(item) { const [object, name, original] = item; object[name] = original; } } /** * Manage vfunction injection: both instances and prototype can be overridden * and restored */ export class VFuncInjectionsHandler extends BasicHandler { _create(prototype, name, injectedFunction) { const original = prototype[`vfunc_${name}`]; if (!(original instanceof Function)) throw new Error(`Virtual function ${name} is not available for ${prototype}`); this._replaceVFunc(prototype, name, injectedFunction); return [prototype, name]; } _remove(item) { const [prototype, name] = item; const originalVFunc = prototype[`vfunc_${name}`]; try { // This may fail if trying to reset to a never-overridden vfunc // as gjs doesn't consider it a function, even if it's true that // originalVFunc instanceof Function. this._replaceVFunc(prototype, name, originalVFunc); } catch { try { this._replaceVFunc(prototype, name, function (...args) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-invalid-this return, ...args); }); } catch (e) { logError(e, `Removing vfunc_${name}`); } } } _replaceVFunc(prototype, name, func) { if (Gi.gobject_prototype_symbol && Gi.gobject_prototype_symbol in prototype) prototype = prototype[Gi.gobject_prototype_symbol]; return prototype[Gi.hook_up_vfunc_symbol](name, func); } } /** * Manage properties injection: both instances and prototype can be overridden * and restored */ export class PropertyInjectionsHandler extends BasicHandler { _create(instance, name, injectedPropertyDescriptor) { if (!(name in instance)) throw new Error(`Object ${instance} has no '${name}' property`); const {prototype} = instance.constructor; const originalPropertyDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(prototype, name) ?? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(instance, name); Object.defineProperty(instance, name, { ...originalPropertyDescriptor, ...injectedPropertyDescriptor, ...{configurable: true}, }); return [instance, name, originalPropertyDescriptor]; } _remove(item) { const [instance, name, originalPropertyDescriptor] = item; if (originalPropertyDescriptor) Object.defineProperty(instance, name, originalPropertyDescriptor); else delete instance[name]; } } /** * Return the actual position reverseing left and right in rtl */ export function getPosition() { const position = Docking.DockManager.settings.dockPosition; if (Clutter.get_default_text_direction() === Clutter.TextDirection.RTL) { if (position === St.Side.LEFT) return St.Side.RIGHT; else if (position === St.Side.RIGHT) return St.Side.LEFT; } return position; } /** * @param cr * @param x * @param y * @param width * @param height * @param isRoundLeft * @param isRoundRight * @param stroke * @param fill */ export function drawRoundedLine(cr, x, y, width, height, isRoundLeft, isRoundRight, stroke, fill) { if (height > width) { y += Math.floor((height - width) / 2.0); height = width; } height = 2.0 * Math.floor(height / 2.0); const leftRadius = isRoundLeft ? height / 2.0 : 0.0; const rightRadius = isRoundRight ? height / 2.0 : 0.0; cr.moveTo(x + width - rightRadius, y); cr.lineTo(x + leftRadius, y); if (isRoundLeft) cr.arcNegative(x + leftRadius, y + leftRadius, leftRadius, -Math.PI / 2, Math.PI / 2); else cr.lineTo(x, y + height); cr.lineTo(x + width - rightRadius, y + height); if (isRoundRight) cr.arcNegative(x + width - rightRadius, y + rightRadius, rightRadius, Math.PI / 2, -Math.PI / 2); else cr.lineTo(x + width, y); cr.closePath(); if (fill) { cr.setSource(fill); cr.fillPreserve(); } if (stroke) cr.setSource(stroke); cr.stroke(); } /** * Convert a signal handler with n value parameters (that is, excluding the * signal source parameter) to an array of n handlers that are each responsible * for receiving one of the n values and calling the original handler with the * most up-to-date arguments. * * @param handler */ export function splitHandler(handler) { if (handler.length > 30) throw new Error('too many parameters'); const count = handler.length - 1; let missingValueBits = (1 << count) - 1; const values = Array.from({length: count}); return, i) => { const mask = ~(1 << i); return (obj, value) => { values[i] = value; missingValueBits &= mask; if (missingValueBits === 0) handler(obj, ...values); }; }); } /** * Construct a map of gtk application window object paths to MetaWindows. */ export function getWindowsByObjectPath() { const windowsByObjectPath = new Map(); const {workspaceManager} = global; const workspaces = [ Array(workspaceManager.nWorkspaces)].map( (_c, i) => workspaceManager.get_workspace_by_index(i)); workspaces.forEach(ws => { ws.list_windows().forEach(w => { const path = w.get_gtk_window_object_path(); if (path) windowsByObjectPath.set(path, w); }); }); return windowsByObjectPath; } /** * Re-implements shell_app_compare so that can be used to resort running apps * * @param appA * @param appB */ export function shellAppCompare(appA, appB) { if (appA.state !== appB.state) { if (appA.state === Shell.AppState.RUNNING) return -1; return 1; } const windowsA = appA.get_windows(); const windowsB = appB.get_windows(); const isMinimized = windows => !windows.some(w => w.showing_on_its_workspace()); const minimizedB = isMinimized(windowsB); if (isMinimized(windowsA) !== minimizedB) { if (minimizedB) return -1; return 1; } if (appA.state === Shell.AppState.RUNNING) { if (windowsA.length && !windowsB.length) return -1; else if (!windowsA.length && windowsB.length) return 1; const lastUserTime = windows => Math.max( => w.get_user_time())); return lastUserTime(windowsB) - lastUserTime(windowsA); } return 0; } /** * Re-implements shell_app_compare_windows * * @param winA * @param winB */ export function shellWindowsCompare(winA, winB) { const activeWorkspace = global.workspaceManager.get_active_workspace(); const wsA = winA.get_workspace() === activeWorkspace; const wsB = winB.get_workspace() === activeWorkspace; if (wsA && !wsB) return -1; else if (!wsA && wsB) return 1; const visA = winA.showing_on_its_workspace(); const visB = winB.showing_on_its_workspace(); if (visA && !visB) return -1; else if (!visA && visB) return 1; return winB.get_user_time() - winA.get_user_time(); } export const CancellableChild = GObject.registerClass({ Properties: { 'parent': GObject.ParamSpec.object( 'parent', 'parent', 'parent', GObject.ParamFlags.READWRITE | GObject.ParamFlags.CONSTRUCT_ONLY, Gio.Cancellable.$gtype), }, }, class CancellableChild extends Gio.Cancellable { _init(parent) { if (parent && !(parent instanceof Gio.Cancellable)) throw TypeError('Not a valid cancellable'); super._init({parent}); if (parent?.is_cancelled()) { this.cancel(); return; } this._connectToParent(); } _connectToParent() { this._connectId = this.parent?.connect(() => { this._realCancel(); if (this._disconnectIdle) return; this._disconnectIdle = GLib.idle_add(GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT, () => { delete this._disconnectIdle; this._disconnectFromParent(); return GLib.SOURCE_REMOVE; }); }); } _disconnectFromParent() { if (this._connectId && !this._disconnectIdle) { this.parent.disconnect(this._connectId); delete this._connectId; } } _realCancel() {; } cancel() { this._disconnectFromParent(); this._realCancel(); } }); /** * */ export function getMonitorManager() { return global.backend.get_monitor_manager?.() ?? Meta.MonitorManager.get(); } /** * @param laterType * @param callback */ export function laterAdd(laterType, callback) { return global.compositor?.get_laters?.().add(laterType, callback) ?? Meta.later_add(laterType, callback); } /** * @param id */ export function laterRemove(id) { if (global.compositor?.get_laters) global.compositor?.get_laters().remove(id); else Meta.later_remove(id); } /** * Up to Gnome Shell 45, the Cairo Context object didn't export the * `setSourceColor()` method, so Clutter included a function call for * that, written in C. In Gnome Shell 46, the method was finally exported, * so that function was removed. * * This function is, thus, required for Gnome Shell 45 compatibility. * * @param {*} cr A cairo context * @param {*} sourceColor The new color for source */ export function cairoSetSourceColor(cr, sourceColor) { if (Clutter.cairo_set_source_color) Clutter.cairo_set_source_color(cr, sourceColor); else cr.setSourceColor(sourceColor); } /** * Specifies if the system supports extended barriers. This function * is required for Gnome Shell 45 compatibility, which used * `global.display.supports_extended_barriers`. Gnome Shell 46 moved * that into global.backend.capabilities. * * @returns True if the system supports extended barriers. */ export function supportsExtendedBarriers() { if (global.display.supports_extended_barriers) return global.display.supports_extended_barriers(); return !!(global.backend.capabilities & Meta.BackendCapabilities.BARRIERS); } export function addActor(element, actor) { if (element.add_actor) element.add_actor(actor); else element.add_child(actor); }