0.5 Window Parallax The strength of the parallax effect of windows. true Last First Gap Add a gap between last and first workspace. true Do Explode Explode the cube on vertical rotations. true Per Monitor Perspective Tweak the projection matrices for better multi-monitor support. "" Background Panorama The texture used for the skybox. 200 Edge Switch Pressure The amount of pressure required to switch workspaces when dragging a window. 2.0 Mouse Rotation Speed A multiplier for the desktop cube rotation when dragged. true Enable Desktop Dragging Desktop: Rotate the cube with the left mouse button. true Enable Panel Dragging Panel: Rotate the cube with the left mouse button. true Enable Desktop Edge Drag Switch Switch workspaces when dragging a window over the desktop's edge. true Enable Overview Dragging Overview: Rotate the cube with the left mouse button. true Enable Overview Edge Drag Switch Switch workspaces when dragging a window over the overview's edge. 80 Workspace Separation The pixel gap between adjacent workspaces. 80 Horizontal Stretch The widening factor which ensures that cube sides are visible from the front. 255 Active Workspace Opacity The opacity of the front facing workspace. 200 Inactive Workspace Opacity The opacity of the cube sides.