// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: GSConnect Developers https://github.com/GSConnect // // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later import Atk from 'gi://Atk'; import Clutter from 'gi://Clutter'; import Gio from 'gi://Gio'; import GObject from 'gi://GObject'; import St from 'gi://St'; import * as PopupMenu from 'resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/popupMenu.js'; import {getIcon} from './utils.js'; import Tooltip from './tooltip.js'; /** * Get a dictionary of a GMenuItem's attributes * * @param {Gio.MenuModel} model - The menu model containing the item * @param {number} index - The index of the item in @model * @return {Object} A dictionary of the item's attributes */ function getItemInfo(model, index) { const info = { target: null, links: [], }; // let iter = model.iterate_item_attributes(index); while (iter.next()) { const name = iter.get_name(); let value = iter.get_value(); switch (name) { case 'icon': value = Gio.Icon.deserialize(value); if (value instanceof Gio.ThemedIcon) value = getIcon(value.names[0]); info[name] = value; break; case 'target': info[name] = value; break; default: info[name] = value.unpack(); } } // Submenus & Sections iter = model.iterate_item_links(index); while (iter.next()) { info.links.push({ name: iter.get_name(), value: iter.get_value(), }); } return info; } /** * */ export class ListBox extends PopupMenu.PopupMenuSection { constructor(params) { super(); Object.assign(this, params); // Main Actor this.actor = new St.BoxLayout({ x_expand: true, clip_to_allocation: true, }); this.actor._delegate = this; // Item Box this.box.clip_to_allocation = true; this.box.x_expand = true; this.box.add_style_class_name('gsconnect-list-box'); this.box.set_pivot_point(1, 1); this.actor.add_child(this.box); // Submenu Container this.sub = new St.BoxLayout({ clip_to_allocation: true, vertical: false, visible: false, x_expand: true, }); this.sub.set_pivot_point(1, 1); this.sub._delegate = this; this.actor.add_child(this.sub); // Handle transitions this._boxTransitionsCompletedId = this.box.connect( 'transitions-completed', this._onTransitionsCompleted.bind(this) ); this._subTransitionsCompletedId = this.sub.connect( 'transitions-completed', this._onTransitionsCompleted.bind(this) ); // Handle keyboard navigation this._submenuCloseKeyId = this.sub.connect( 'key-press-event', this._onSubmenuCloseKey.bind(this) ); // Refresh the menu when mapped this._mappedId = this.actor.connect( 'notify::mapped', this._onMapped.bind(this) ); // Watch the model for changes this._itemsChangedId = this.model.connect( 'items-changed', this._onItemsChanged.bind(this) ); this._onItemsChanged(); } _onMapped(actor) { if (actor.mapped) { this._onItemsChanged(); // We use this instead of close() to avoid touching finalized objects } else { this.box.set_opacity(255); this.box.set_width(-1); this.box.set_height(-1); this.box.visible = true; this._submenu = null; this.sub.set_opacity(0); this.sub.set_width(0); this.sub.set_height(0); this.sub.visible = false; this.sub.get_children().map(menu => menu.hide()); } } _onSubmenuCloseKey(actor, event) { if (this.submenu && event.get_key_symbol() === Clutter.KEY_Left) { this.submenu.submenu_for.setActive(true); this.submenu = null; return Clutter.EVENT_STOP; } return Clutter.EVENT_PROPAGATE; } _onSubmenuOpenKey(actor, event) { const item = actor._delegate; if (item.submenu && event.get_key_symbol() === Clutter.KEY_Right) { this.submenu = item.submenu; item.submenu.firstMenuItem.setActive(true); } return Clutter.EVENT_PROPAGATE; } _onGMenuItemActivate(item, event) { this.emit('activate', item); if (item.submenu) { this.submenu = item.submenu; } else if (item.action_name) { this.action_group.activate_action( item.action_name, item.action_target ); this.itemActivated(); } } _addGMenuItem(info) { const item = new PopupMenu.PopupMenuItem(info.label); this.addMenuItem(item); if (info.action !== undefined) { item.action_name = info.action.split('.')[1]; item.action_target = info.target; item.actor.visible = this.action_group.get_action_enabled( item.action_name ); } item.connectObject( 'activate', this._onGMenuItemActivate.bind(this), this ); return item; } _addGMenuSection(model) { const section = new ListBox({ model: model, action_group: this.action_group, }); this.addMenuItem(section); } _addGMenuSubmenu(model, item) { // Add an expander arrow to the item const arrow = PopupMenu.arrowIcon(St.Side.RIGHT); arrow.x_align = Clutter.ActorAlign.END; arrow.x_expand = true; item.actor.add_child(arrow); // Mark it as an expandable and open on right-arrow item.actor.add_accessible_state(Atk.StateType.EXPANDABLE); item.actor.connect( 'key-press-event', this._onSubmenuOpenKey.bind(this) ); // Create the submenu item.submenu = new ListBox({ model: model, action_group: this.action_group, submenu_for: item, _parent: this, }); item.submenu.actor.hide(); // Add to the submenu container this.sub.add_child(item.submenu.actor); } _onItemsChanged(model, position, removed, added) { // Clear the menu this.removeAll(); this.sub.get_children().map(child => child.destroy()); for (let i = 0, len = this.model.get_n_items(); i < len; i++) { const info = getItemInfo(this.model, i); let item; // A regular item if (info.hasOwnProperty('label')) item = this._addGMenuItem(info); for (const link of info.links) { // Submenu if (link.name === 'submenu') { this._addGMenuSubmenu(link.value, item); // Section } else if (link.name === 'section') { this._addGMenuSection(link.value); // len is length starting at 1 if (i + 1 < len) this.addMenuItem(new PopupMenu.PopupSeparatorMenuItem()); } } } // If this is a submenu of another item... if (this.submenu_for) { // Prepend an "<= Go Back" item, bold with a unicode arrow const prev = new PopupMenu.PopupMenuItem(this.submenu_for.label.text); prev.label.style = 'font-weight: bold;'; const prevArrow = PopupMenu.arrowIcon(St.Side.LEFT); prev.replace_child(prev._ornamentIcon, prevArrow); this.addMenuItem(prev, 0); prev.connectObject('activate', (item, event) => { this.emit('activate', item); this._parent.submenu = null; }, this); } } _onTransitionsCompleted(actor) { if (this.submenu) { this.box.visible = false; } else { this.sub.visible = false; this.sub.get_children().map(menu => menu.hide()); } } get submenu() { return this._submenu || null; } set submenu(submenu) { // Get the current allocation to hold the menu width const allocation = this.actor.allocation; const width = Math.max(0, allocation.x2 - allocation.x1); // Prepare the appropriate child for tweening if (submenu) { this.sub.set_opacity(0); this.sub.set_width(0); this.sub.set_height(0); this.sub.visible = true; } else { this.box.set_opacity(0); this.box.set_width(0); this.sub.set_height(0); this.box.visible = true; } // Setup the animation this.box.save_easing_state(); this.box.set_easing_mode(Clutter.AnimationMode.EASE_IN_OUT_CUBIC); this.box.set_easing_duration(250); this.sub.save_easing_state(); this.sub.set_easing_mode(Clutter.AnimationMode.EASE_IN_OUT_CUBIC); this.sub.set_easing_duration(250); if (submenu) { submenu.actor.show(); this.sub.set_opacity(255); this.sub.set_width(width); this.sub.set_height(-1); this.box.set_opacity(0); this.box.set_width(0); this.box.set_height(0); } else { this.box.set_opacity(255); this.box.set_width(width); this.box.set_height(-1); this.sub.set_opacity(0); this.sub.set_width(0); this.sub.set_height(0); } // Reset the animation this.box.restore_easing_state(); this.sub.restore_easing_state(); // this._submenu = submenu; } destroy() { this.actor.disconnect(this._mappedId); this.box.disconnect(this._boxTransitionsCompletedId); this.sub.disconnect(this._subTransitionsCompletedId); this.sub.disconnect(this._submenuCloseKeyId); this.model.disconnect(this._itemsChangedId); super.destroy(); } } /** * A St.Button subclass for iconic GMenu items */ export const IconButton = GObject.registerClass({ GTypeName: 'GSConnectShellIconButton', }, class Button extends St.Button { _init(params) { super._init({ style_class: 'gsconnect-icon-button', can_focus: true, }); Object.assign(this, params); // Item attributes if (params.info.hasOwnProperty('action')) this.action_name = params.info.action.split('.')[1]; if (params.info.hasOwnProperty('target')) this.action_target = params.info.target; if (params.info.hasOwnProperty('label')) { this.tooltip = new Tooltip({ parent: this, markup: params.info.label, }); this.accessible_name = params.info.label; } if (params.info.hasOwnProperty('icon')) this.child = new St.Icon({gicon: params.info.icon}); // Submenu for (const link of params.info.links) { if (link.name === 'submenu') { this.add_accessible_state(Atk.StateType.EXPANDABLE); this.toggle_mode = true; this.connect('notify::checked', this._onChecked); this.submenu = new ListBox({ model: link.value, action_group: this.action_group, _parent: this._parent, }); this.submenu.actor.style_class = 'popup-sub-menu'; this.submenu.actor.visible = false; } } } // This is (reliably?) emitted before ::clicked _onChecked(button) { if (button.checked) { button.add_accessible_state(Atk.StateType.EXPANDED); button.add_style_pseudo_class('active'); } else { button.remove_accessible_state(Atk.StateType.EXPANDED); button.remove_style_pseudo_class('active'); } } // This is (reliably?) emitted after notify::checked vfunc_clicked(clicked_button) { // Unless this has a submenu, activate the action and close the menu if (!this.toggle_mode) { this._parent._getTopMenu().close(); this.action_group.activate_action( this.action_name, this.action_target ); // StButton.checked has already been toggled so we're opening } else if (this.checked) { this._parent.submenu = this.submenu; // If this is the active submenu being closed, animate-close it } else if (this._parent.submenu === this.submenu) { this._parent.submenu = null; } } }); export class IconBox extends PopupMenu.PopupMenuSection { constructor(params) { super(); Object.assign(this, params); // Main Actor this.actor = new St.BoxLayout({ vertical: true, x_expand: true, }); this.actor._delegate = this; // Button Box this.box._delegate = this; this.box.style_class = 'gsconnect-icon-box'; this.box.vertical = false; this.actor.add_child(this.box); // Submenu Container this.sub = new St.BoxLayout({ clip_to_allocation: true, vertical: true, x_expand: true, }); this.sub.connect('transitions-completed', this._onTransitionsCompleted); this.sub._delegate = this; this.actor.add_child(this.sub); // Track menu items so we can use ::items-changed this._menu_items = new Map(); // PopupMenu this._mappedId = this.actor.connect( 'notify::mapped', this._onMapped.bind(this) ); // GMenu this._itemsChangedId = this.model.connect( 'items-changed', this._onItemsChanged.bind(this) ); // GActions this._actionAddedId = this.action_group.connect( 'action-added', this._onActionChanged.bind(this) ); this._actionEnabledChangedId = this.action_group.connect( 'action-enabled-changed', this._onActionChanged.bind(this) ); this._actionRemovedId = this.action_group.connect( 'action-removed', this._onActionChanged.bind(this) ); } destroy() { this.actor.disconnect(this._mappedId); this.model.disconnect(this._itemsChangedId); this.action_group.disconnect(this._actionAddedId); this.action_group.disconnect(this._actionEnabledChangedId); this.action_group.disconnect(this._actionRemovedId); super.destroy(); } get submenu() { return this._submenu || null; } set submenu(submenu) { if (submenu) { for (const button of this.box.get_children()) { if (button.submenu && this._submenu && button.submenu !== submenu) { button.checked = false; button.submenu.actor.hide(); } } this.sub.set_height(0); submenu.actor.show(); } this.sub.save_easing_state(); this.sub.set_easing_duration(250); this.sub.set_easing_mode(Clutter.AnimationMode.EASE_IN_OUT_CUBIC); this.sub.set_height(submenu ? submenu.actor.get_preferred_size()[1] : 0); this.sub.restore_easing_state(); this._submenu = submenu; } _onMapped(actor) { if (!actor.mapped) { this._submenu = null; for (const button of this.box.get_children()) button.checked = false; for (const submenu of this.sub.get_children()) submenu.hide(); } } _onActionChanged(group, name, enabled) { const menuItem = this._menu_items.get(name); if (menuItem !== undefined) menuItem.visible = group.get_action_enabled(name); } _onItemsChanged(model, position, removed, added) { // Remove items while (removed > 0) { const button = this.box.get_child_at_index(position); const action_name = button.action_name; if (button.submenu) button.submenu.destroy(); button.destroy(); this._menu_items.delete(action_name); removed--; } // Add items for (let i = 0; i < added; i++) { const index = position + i; // Create an iconic button const button = new IconButton({ action_group: this.action_group, info: getItemInfo(model, index), // NOTE: Because this doesn't derive from a PopupMenu class // it lacks some things its parent will expect from it _parent: this, _delegate: null, }); // Set the visibility based on the enabled state if (button.action_name !== undefined) { button.visible = this.action_group.get_action_enabled( button.action_name ); } // If it has a submenu, add it as a sibling if (button.submenu) this.sub.add_child(button.submenu.actor); // Track the item if it has an action if (button.action_name !== undefined) this._menu_items.set(button.action_name, button); // Insert it in the box at the defined position this.box.insert_child_at_index(button, index); } } _onTransitionsCompleted(actor) { const menu = actor._delegate; for (const button of menu.box.get_children()) { if (button.submenu && button.submenu !== menu.submenu) { button.checked = false; button.submenu.actor.hide(); } } menu.sub.set_height(-1); } // PopupMenu.PopupMenuBase overrides isEmpty() { return (this.box.get_children().length === 0); } _setParent(parent) { super._setParent(parent); this._onItemsChanged(this.model, 0, 0, this.model.get_n_items()); } }