/** * Prefs Library * * @author Javad Rahmatzadeh * @copyright 2020-2024 * @license GPL-3.0-only */ /** * prefs widget for showing prefs window */ export class Prefs { /** * Current shell version * * @type {number|null} */ #shellVersion = null; /** * Instance of PrefsKeys * * @type {PrefsKeys|null} */ #prefsKeys = null; /** * Instance of Gtk.Builder * * @type {Gtk.Builder|null} */ #builder = null; /** * Instance of Gio.Settings * * @type {Settings|null} */ #settings = null; /** * Instance of Gdk * * @type {Gdk|null} */ #gdk = null; /** * All available profile names * * @type {Array} */ #profiles = [ 'default', 'minimal', 'superminimal', ]; /** * class constructor * * @param {Object} dependencies * 'Builder' instance of Gtk::Builder * 'Settings' instance of Gio::Settings * 'Gdk' reference to Gdk * 'GLib' reference to GLib * @param {PrefsKeys.PrefsKeys} prefsKeys instance of PrefsKeys * @param {number} shellVersion float in major.minor format */ constructor(dependencies, prefsKeys, shellVersion) { this.#settings = dependencies['Settings'] || null; this.#builder = dependencies['Builder'] || null; this.#gdk = dependencies['Gdk'] || null; this.#prefsKeys = prefsKeys; this.#shellVersion = shellVersion; } /** * fill prefs window * * @param {string} UIFolderPath folder path to ui folder * @param {string} gettextDomain gettext domain * * @returns {void} */ fillPrefsWindow(window, UIFolderPath, gettextDomain) { // changing the order here can change the elements order in ui let uiFilenames = [ 'profile', 'visibility', 'icons', 'behavior', 'customize', ]; this.#builder.set_translation_domain(gettextDomain); for (let uiFilename of uiFilenames) { this.#builder.add_from_file(`${UIFolderPath}/adw/${uiFilename}.ui`); } for (let uiFilename of uiFilenames) { let page = this.#builder.get_object(uiFilename); window.add(page); } this.#setValues(); this.#guessProfile(); this.#onlyShowSupportedRows(); this.#registerAllSignals(window); this.#setWindowSize(window); window.search_enabled = true; } /** * set window size * * @param {Adw.PreferencesWindow} window prefs window * * @returns {void} */ #setWindowSize(window) { let [pmWidth, pmHeight, pmScale] = this.#getPrimaryMonitorInfo(); let sizeTolerance = 50; let width = 600; let height = 650; if ( (pmWidth / pmScale) - sizeTolerance >= width && (pmHeight / pmScale) - sizeTolerance >= height ) { window.set_default_size(width, height); } } /** * get primary monitor info * * @returns {Array} [width, height, scale] */ #getPrimaryMonitorInfo() { let display = this.#gdk.Display.get_default(); let pm = display.get_monitors().get_item(0); if (!pm) { return [700, 500, 1]; } let geo = pm.get_geometry(); let scale = pm.get_scale_factor(); return [geo.width, geo.height, scale]; } /** * register all signals * * @param {Adw.PreferencesWindow} window prefs dialog * * @returns {void} */ #registerAllSignals(window) { this.#registerKeySignals(); this.#registerProfileSignals(); } /** * register signals of all prefs keys * * @returns {void} */ #registerKeySignals() { // all available keys for (let [, key] of Object.entries(this.#prefsKeys.keys)) { switch (key.widgetType) { case 'GtkSwitch': this.#builder.get_object(key.widgetId).connect('state-set', (w) => { this.#settings.set_boolean(key.name, w.get_active()); this.#guessProfile(); }); break; case 'AdwActionRow': this.#builder.get_object(key.widgetId).connect('notify::selected-item', (w) => { let index = w.get_selected(); let value = (index in key.maps) ? key.maps[index] : index; this.#settings.set_int(key.name, value); this.#guessProfile(); }); break; } } } /** * register profile signals * * @returns {void} */ #registerProfileSignals() { for (let profile of this.#profiles) { let widget = this.#builder.get_object(`profile_${profile}`); if (!widget) { break; } widget.connect('clicked', (w) => { this.#setValues(profile); }); } } /** * can check all current values and guess the profile based on the values * * @returns {void} */ #guessProfile() { let totalCount = 0; let matchCount = {}; for (let profile of this.#profiles) { matchCount[profile] = 0; } for (let [, key] of Object.entries(this.#prefsKeys.keys)) { if (!key.supported) { continue; } let value; switch (key.widgetType) { case 'GtkSwitch': value = this.#builder.get_object(key.widgetId).get_active(); break; case 'AdwActionRow': value = this.#builder.get_object(key.widgetId).get_selected(); break; default: value = ''; continue; } for (let profile of this.#profiles) { if (key.profiles[profile] === value) { matchCount[profile]++; } } totalCount++; } let currentProfile = 'custom'; for (let profile of this.#profiles) { if (matchCount[profile] === totalCount) { currentProfile = profile; break; } } let widget = this.#builder.get_object(`profile_${currentProfile}`); if (widget) { widget.set_active(true); } } /** * set values for all elements * * @param {string} profile profile name or null for get it from gsettings * * @returns {void} */ #setValues(profile) { for (let [, key] of Object.entries(this.#prefsKeys.keys)) { let widget = this.#builder.get_object(key.widgetId); switch (key.widgetType) { case 'GtkSwitch': let value = (profile) ? key.profiles[profile] : this.#settings.get_boolean(key.name); widget.set_active(value); break; case 'AdwActionRow': let index = (profile) ? key.profiles[profile] : this.#settings.get_int(key.name); for (let k in key.maps) { if (key.maps[k] === index) { index = k; break; } } widget.set_selected(index); break; } } } /** * apply all supported keys to the elements * * @returns {void} */ #onlyShowSupportedRows() { for (let [, key] of Object.entries(this.#prefsKeys.keys)) { let row = this.#builder.get_object(`${key.id}_row`); let visible = key.supported; row.visible = visible; } } };