// This file is part of the AppIndicator/KStatusNotifierItem GNOME Shell extension // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 // of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. import Clutter from 'gi://Clutter'; import GLib from 'gi://GLib'; import GObject from 'gi://GObject'; import GdkPixbuf from 'gi://GdkPixbuf'; import Gio from 'gi://Gio'; import St from 'gi://St'; import * as PopupMenu from 'resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/popupMenu.js'; import * as Signals from 'resource:///org/gnome/shell/misc/signals.js'; import * as DBusInterfaces from './interfaces.js'; import * as PromiseUtils from './promiseUtils.js'; import * as Util from './util.js'; import {DBusProxy} from './dbusProxy.js'; Gio._promisify(GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf, 'new_from_stream_async'); // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PART ONE: "ViewModel" backend implementation. // Both code and design are inspired by libdbusmenu // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Saves menu property values and handles type checking and defaults */ export class PropertyStore { constructor(initialProperties) { this._props = new Map(); if (initialProperties) { for (const [prop, value] of Object.entries(initialProperties)) this.set(prop, value); } } set(name, value) { if (name in PropertyStore.MandatedTypes && value && !value.is_of_type(PropertyStore.MandatedTypes[name])) Util.Logger.warn(`Cannot set property ${name}: type mismatch!`); else if (value) this._props.set(name, value); else this._props.delete(name); } get(name) { const prop = this._props.get(name); if (prop) return prop; else if (name in PropertyStore.DefaultValues) return PropertyStore.DefaultValues[name]; else return null; } } // we list all the properties we know and use here, so we won' have to deal with unexpected type mismatches PropertyStore.MandatedTypes = { 'visible': GLib.VariantType.new('b'), 'enabled': GLib.VariantType.new('b'), 'label': GLib.VariantType.new('s'), 'type': GLib.VariantType.new('s'), 'children-display': GLib.VariantType.new('s'), 'icon-name': GLib.VariantType.new('s'), 'icon-data': GLib.VariantType.new('ay'), 'toggle-type': GLib.VariantType.new('s'), 'toggle-state': GLib.VariantType.new('i'), }; PropertyStore.DefaultValues = { 'visible': GLib.Variant.new_boolean(true), 'enabled': GLib.Variant.new_boolean(true), 'label': GLib.Variant.new_string(''), 'type': GLib.Variant.new_string('standard'), // elements not in here must return null }; /** * Represents a single menu item */ export class DbusMenuItem extends Signals.EventEmitter { // will steal the properties object constructor(client, id, properties, childrenIds) { super(); this._client = client; this._id = id; this._propStore = new PropertyStore(properties); this._children_ids = childrenIds; } propertyGet(propName) { const prop = this.propertyGetVariant(propName); return prop ? prop.get_string()[0] : null; } propertyGetVariant(propName) { return this._propStore.get(propName); } propertyGetBool(propName) { const prop = this.propertyGetVariant(propName); return prop ? prop.get_boolean() : false; } propertyGetInt(propName) { const prop = this.propertyGetVariant(propName); return prop ? prop.get_int32() : 0; } propertySet(prop, value) { this._propStore.set(prop, value); this.emit('property-changed', prop, this.propertyGetVariant(prop)); } resetProperties() { Object.entries(PropertyStore.DefaultValues).forEach(([prop, value]) => this.propertySet(prop, value)); } getChildrenIds() { return this._children_ids.concat(); // clone it! } addChild(pos, childId) { this._children_ids.splice(pos, 0, childId); this.emit('child-added', this._client.getItem(childId), pos); } removeChild(childId) { // find it let pos = -1; for (let i = 0; i < this._children_ids.length; ++i) { if (this._children_ids[i] === childId) { pos = i; break; } } if (pos < 0) { Util.Logger.critical("Trying to remove child which doesn't exist"); } else { this._children_ids.splice(pos, 1); this.emit('child-removed', this._client.getItem(childId)); } } moveChild(childId, newPos) { // find the old position let oldPos = -1; for (let i = 0; i < this._children_ids.length; ++i) { if (this._children_ids[i] === childId) { oldPos = i; break; } } if (oldPos < 0) { Util.Logger.critical("tried to move child which wasn't in the list"); return; } if (oldPos !== newPos) { this._children_ids.splice(oldPos, 1); this._children_ids.splice(newPos, 0, childId); this.emit('child-moved', oldPos, newPos, this._client.getItem(childId)); } } getChildren() { return this._children_ids.map(el => this._client.getItem(el)); } handleEvent(event, data, timestamp) { if (!data) data = GLib.Variant.new_int32(0); this._client.sendEvent(this._id, event, data, timestamp); } getId() { return this._id; } sendAboutToShow() { this._client.sendAboutToShow(this._id); } } /** * The client does the heavy lifting of actually reading layouts and distributing events */ export const DBusClient = GObject.registerClass({ Signals: {'ready-changed': {}}, }, class AppIndicatorsDBusClient extends DBusProxy { static get interfaceInfo() { if (!this._interfaceInfo) { this._interfaceInfo = Gio.DBusInterfaceInfo.new_for_xml( DBusInterfaces.DBusMenu); } return this._interfaceInfo; } static get baseItems() { if (!this._baseItems) { this._baseItems = { 'children-display': GLib.Variant.new_string('submenu'), }; } return this._baseItems; } static destroy() { delete this._interfaceInfo; } _init(busName, objectPath) { const {interfaceInfo} = AppIndicatorsDBusClient; super._init(busName, objectPath, interfaceInfo, Gio.DBusProxyFlags.DO_NOT_LOAD_PROPERTIES); this._items = new Map(); this._items.set(0, new DbusMenuItem(this, 0, DBusClient.baseItems, [])); this._flagItemsUpdateRequired = false; // will be set to true if a layout update is needed once active this._flagLayoutUpdateRequired = false; // property requests are queued this._propertiesRequestedFor = new Set(/* ids */); this._layoutUpdated = false; this._active = false; } async initAsync(cancellable) { await super.initAsync(cancellable); this._requestLayoutUpdate(); } _onNameOwnerChanged() { if (this.isReady) this._requestLayoutUpdate(); } get isReady() { return this._layoutUpdated && !!this.gNameOwner; } get cancellable() { return this._cancellable; } getRoot() { return this._items.get(0); } _requestLayoutUpdate() { const cancellable = new Util.CancellableChild(this._cancellable); this._beginLayoutUpdate(cancellable); } async _requestProperties(propertyId, cancellable) { this._propertiesRequestedFor.add(propertyId); if (this._propertiesRequest && this._propertiesRequest.pending()) return; // if we don't have any requests queued, we'll need to add one this._propertiesRequest = new PromiseUtils.IdlePromise( GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT_IDLE, cancellable); await this._propertiesRequest; const requestedProperties = Array.from(this._propertiesRequestedFor); this._propertiesRequestedFor.clear(); const [result] = await this.GetGroupPropertiesAsync(requestedProperties, [], cancellable); result.forEach(([id, properties]) => { const item = this._items.get(id); if (!item) return; item.resetProperties(); for (const [prop, value] of Object.entries(properties)) item.propertySet(prop, value); }); } // Traverses the list of cached menu items and removes everyone that is not in the list // so we don't keep alive unused items _gcItems() { const tag = new Date().getTime(); const toTraverse = [0]; while (toTraverse.length > 0) { const item = this.getItem(toTraverse.shift()); item._dbusClientGcTag = tag; Array.prototype.push.apply(toTraverse, item.getChildrenIds()); } this._items.forEach((i, id) => { if (i._dbusClientGcTag !== tag) this._items.delete(id); }); } // the original implementation will only request partial layouts if somehow possible // we try to save us from multiple kinds of race conditions by always requesting a full layout _beginLayoutUpdate(cancellable) { this._layoutUpdateUpdateAsync(cancellable).catch(e => { if (!e.matches(Gio.IOErrorEnum, Gio.IOErrorEnum.CANCELLED)) logError(e); }); } // the original implementation will only request partial layouts if somehow possible // we try to save us from multiple kinds of race conditions by always requesting a full layout async _layoutUpdateUpdateAsync(cancellable) { // we only read the type property, because if the type changes after reading all properties, // the view would have to replace the item completely which we try to avoid if (this._layoutUpdateCancellable) this._layoutUpdateCancellable.cancel(); this._layoutUpdateCancellable = cancellable; try { const [revision_, root] = await this.GetLayoutAsync(0, -1, ['type', 'children-display'], cancellable); this._updateLayoutState(true); this._doLayoutUpdate(root, cancellable); this._gcItems(); this._flagLayoutUpdateRequired = false; this._flagItemsUpdateRequired = false; } catch (e) { if (!e.matches(Gio.IOErrorEnum, Gio.IOErrorEnum.CANCELLED)) this._updateLayoutState(false); throw e; } finally { if (this._layoutUpdateCancellable === cancellable) this._layoutUpdateCancellable = null; } } _updateLayoutState(state) { const wasReady = this.isReady; this._layoutUpdated = state; if (this.isReady !== wasReady) this.emit('ready-changed'); } _doLayoutUpdate(item, cancellable) { const [id, properties, children] = item; const childrenUnpacked = children.map(c => c.deep_unpack()); const childrenIds = childrenUnpacked.map(([c]) => c); // make sure all our children exist childrenUnpacked.forEach(c => this._doLayoutUpdate(c, cancellable)); // make sure we exist const menuItem = this._items.get(id); if (menuItem) { // we do, update our properties if necessary for (const [prop, value] of Object.entries(properties)) menuItem.propertySet(prop, value); // make sure our children are all at the right place, and exist const oldChildrenIds = menuItem.getChildrenIds(); for (let i = 0; i < childrenIds.length; ++i) { // try to recycle an old child let oldChild = -1; for (let j = 0; j < oldChildrenIds.length; ++j) { if (oldChildrenIds[j] === childrenIds[i]) { [oldChild] = oldChildrenIds.splice(j, 1); break; } } if (oldChild < 0) { // no old child found, so create a new one! menuItem.addChild(i, childrenIds[i]); } else { // old child found, reuse it! menuItem.moveChild(childrenIds[i], i); } } // remove any old children that weren't reused oldChildrenIds.forEach(c => menuItem.removeChild(c)); if (!this._flagItemsUpdateRequired) return id; } // we don't, so let's create us let newMenuItem = menuItem; if (!newMenuItem) { newMenuItem = new DbusMenuItem(this, id, properties, childrenIds); this._items.set(id, newMenuItem); } this._requestProperties(id, cancellable).catch(e => { if (!e.matches(Gio.IOErrorEnum, Gio.IOErrorEnum.CANCELLED)) Util.Logger.warn(`Could not get menu properties menu proxy: ${e}`); }); return id; } async _doPropertiesUpdateAsync(cancellable) { if (this._propertiesUpdateCancellable) this._propertiesUpdateCancellable.cancel(); this._propertiesUpdateCancellable = cancellable; try { const requests = []; this._items.forEach((_, id) => requests.push(this._requestProperties(id, cancellable))); await Promise.all(requests); } finally { if (this._propertiesUpdateCancellable === cancellable) this._propertiesUpdateCancellable = null; } } _doPropertiesUpdate() { const cancellable = new Util.CancellableChild(this._cancellable); this._doPropertiesUpdateAsync(cancellable).catch(e => { if (!e.matches(Gio.IOErrorEnum, Gio.IOErrorEnum.CANCELLED)) Util.Logger.warn(`Could not get menu properties menu proxy: ${e}`); }); } set active(active) { const wasActive = this._active; this._active = active; if (active && wasActive !== active) { if (this._flagLayoutUpdateRequired) { this._requestLayoutUpdate(); } else if (this._flagItemsUpdateRequired) { this._doPropertiesUpdate(); this._flagItemsUpdateRequired = false; } } } _onSignal(_sender, signal, params) { if (signal === 'LayoutUpdated') { if (!this._active) { this._flagLayoutUpdateRequired = true; return; } this._requestLayoutUpdate(); } else if (signal === 'ItemsPropertiesUpdated') { if (!this._active) { this._flagItemsUpdateRequired = true; return; } this._onPropertiesUpdated(params.deep_unpack()); } } getItem(id) { const item = this._items.get(id); if (!item) Util.Logger.warn(`trying to retrieve item for non-existing id ${id} !?`); return item || null; } // we don't need to cache and burst-send that since it will not happen that frequently async sendAboutToShow(id) { if (this._hasAboutToShow === false) return; /* Some indicators (you, dropbox!) don't use the right signature * and don't return a boolean, so we need to support both cases */ try { const ret = await this.gConnection.call(this.gName, this.gObjectPath, this.gInterfaceName, 'AboutToShow', new GLib.Variant('(i)', [id]), null, Gio.DBusCallFlags.NONE, -1, this._cancellable); if ((ret.is_of_type(new GLib.VariantType('(b)')) && ret.get_child_value(0).get_boolean()) || ret.is_of_type(new GLib.VariantType('()'))) this._requestLayoutUpdate(); } catch (e) { if (e.matches(Gio.DBusError, Gio.DBusError.UNKNOWN_METHOD) || e.matches(Gio.DBusError, Gio.DBusError.FAILED)) { this._hasAboutToShow = false; return; } if (!e.matches(Gio.IOErrorEnum, Gio.IOErrorEnum.CANCELLED)) logError(e); } } sendEvent(id, event, params, timestamp) { if (!this.gNameOwner) return; this.EventAsync(id, event, params, timestamp, this._cancellable).catch(e => { if (!e.matches(Gio.IOErrorEnum, Gio.IOErrorEnum.CANCELLED)) logError(e); }); } _onPropertiesUpdated([changed, removed]) { changed.forEach(([id, props]) => { const item = this._items.get(id); if (!item) return; for (const [prop, value] of Object.entries(props)) item.propertySet(prop, value); }); removed.forEach(([id, propNames]) => { const item = this._items.get(id); if (!item) return; propNames.forEach(propName => item.propertySet(propName, null)); }); } }); // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PART TWO: "View" frontend implementation. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=731514 // GNOME 3.10 and 3.12 can't open a nested submenu. // Patches have been written, but it's not clear when (if?) they will be applied. // We also don't know whether they will be backported to 3.10, so we will work around // it in the meantime. Offending versions can be clearly identified: const NEED_NESTED_SUBMENU_FIX = '_setOpenedSubMenu' in PopupMenu.PopupMenu.prototype; /** * Creates new wrapper menu items and injects methods for managing them at runtime. * * Many functions in this object will be bound to the created item and executed as event * handlers, so any `this` will refer to a menu item create in createItem */ const MenuItemFactory = { createItem(client, dbusItem) { // first, decide whether it's a submenu or not let shellItem; if (dbusItem.propertyGet('children-display') === 'submenu') shellItem = new PopupMenu.PopupSubMenuMenuItem('FIXME'); else if (dbusItem.propertyGet('type') === 'separator') shellItem = new PopupMenu.PopupSeparatorMenuItem(''); else shellItem = new PopupMenu.PopupMenuItem('FIXME'); shellItem._dbusItem = dbusItem; shellItem._dbusClient = client; if (shellItem instanceof PopupMenu.PopupMenuItem) { shellItem._icon = new St.Icon({ style_class: 'popup-menu-icon', xAlign: Clutter.ActorAlign.END, }); shellItem.add_child(shellItem._icon); shellItem.label.x_expand = true; } // initialize our state MenuItemFactory._updateLabel.call(shellItem); MenuItemFactory._updateOrnament.call(shellItem); MenuItemFactory._updateImage.call(shellItem); MenuItemFactory._updateVisible.call(shellItem); MenuItemFactory._updateSensitive.call(shellItem); // initially create children if (shellItem instanceof PopupMenu.PopupSubMenuMenuItem) { dbusItem.getChildren().forEach(c => shellItem.menu.addMenuItem(MenuItemFactory.createItem(client, c))); } // now, connect various events Util.connectSmart(dbusItem, 'property-changed', shellItem, MenuItemFactory._onPropertyChanged); Util.connectSmart(dbusItem, 'child-added', shellItem, MenuItemFactory._onChildAdded); Util.connectSmart(dbusItem, 'child-removed', shellItem, MenuItemFactory._onChildRemoved); Util.connectSmart(dbusItem, 'child-moved', shellItem, MenuItemFactory._onChildMoved); Util.connectSmart(shellItem, 'activate', shellItem, MenuItemFactory._onActivate); shellItem.connect('destroy', () => { shellItem._dbusItem = null; shellItem._dbusClient = null; shellItem._icon = null; }); if (shellItem.menu) { Util.connectSmart(shellItem.menu, 'open-state-changed', shellItem, MenuItemFactory._onOpenStateChanged); } return shellItem; }, _onOpenStateChanged(menu, open) { if (open) { if (NEED_NESTED_SUBMENU_FIX) { // close our own submenus if (menu._openedSubMenu) menu._openedSubMenu.close(false); // register ourselves and close sibling submenus if (menu._parent._openedSubMenu && menu._parent._openedSubMenu !== menu) menu._parent._openedSubMenu.close(true); menu._parent._openedSubMenu = menu; } this._dbusItem.handleEvent('opened', null, 0); this._dbusItem.sendAboutToShow(); } else { if (NEED_NESTED_SUBMENU_FIX) { // close our own submenus if (menu._openedSubMenu) menu._openedSubMenu.close(false); } this._dbusItem.handleEvent('closed', null, 0); } }, _onActivate(_item, event) { const timestamp = event.get_time(); if (timestamp && this._dbusClient.indicator) this._dbusClient.indicator.provideActivationToken(timestamp); this._dbusItem.handleEvent('clicked', GLib.Variant.new('i', 0), timestamp); }, _onPropertyChanged(dbusItem, prop, _value) { if (prop === 'toggle-type' || prop === 'toggle-state') MenuItemFactory._updateOrnament.call(this); else if (prop === 'label') MenuItemFactory._updateLabel.call(this); else if (prop === 'enabled') MenuItemFactory._updateSensitive.call(this); else if (prop === 'visible') MenuItemFactory._updateVisible.call(this); else if (prop === 'icon-name' || prop === 'icon-data') MenuItemFactory._updateImage.call(this); else if (prop === 'type' || prop === 'children-display') MenuItemFactory._replaceSelf.call(this); else Util.Logger.debug(`Unhandled property change: ${prop}`); }, _onChildAdded(dbusItem, child, position) { if (!(this instanceof PopupMenu.PopupSubMenuMenuItem)) { Util.Logger.warn('Tried to add a child to non-submenu item. Better recreate it as whole'); MenuItemFactory._replaceSelf.call(this); } else { this.menu.addMenuItem(MenuItemFactory.createItem(this._dbusClient, child), position); } }, _onChildRemoved(dbusItem, child) { if (!(this instanceof PopupMenu.PopupSubMenuMenuItem)) { Util.Logger.warn('Tried to remove a child from non-submenu item. Better recreate it as whole'); MenuItemFactory._replaceSelf.call(this); } else { // find it! this.menu._getMenuItems().forEach(item => { if (item._dbusItem === child) item.destroy(); }); } }, _onChildMoved(dbusItem, child, oldpos, newpos) { if (!(this instanceof PopupMenu.PopupSubMenuMenuItem)) { Util.Logger.warn('Tried to move a child in non-submenu item. Better recreate it as whole'); MenuItemFactory._replaceSelf.call(this); } else { MenuUtils.moveItemInMenu(this.menu, child, newpos); } }, _updateLabel() { const label = this._dbusItem.propertyGet('label').replace(/_([^_])/, '$1'); if (this.label) // especially on GS3.8, the separator item might not even have a hidden label this.label.set_text(label); }, _updateOrnament() { if (!this.setOrnament) return; // separators and alike might not have gotten the polyfill if (this._dbusItem.propertyGet('toggle-type') === 'checkmark' && this._dbusItem.propertyGetInt('toggle-state')) this.setOrnament(PopupMenu.Ornament.CHECK); else if (this._dbusItem.propertyGet('toggle-type') === 'radio' && this._dbusItem.propertyGetInt('toggle-state')) this.setOrnament(PopupMenu.Ornament.DOT); else this.setOrnament(PopupMenu.Ornament.NONE); }, async _updateImage() { if (!this._icon) return; // might be missing on submenus / separators const iconName = this._dbusItem.propertyGet('icon-name'); const iconData = this._dbusItem.propertyGetVariant('icon-data'); if (iconName) { this._icon.icon_name = iconName; } else if (iconData) { try { const inputStream = Gio.MemoryInputStream.new_from_bytes( iconData.get_data_as_bytes()); this._icon.gicon = await GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_stream_async( inputStream, this._dbusClient.cancellable); } catch (e) { if (!e.matches(Gio.IOErrorEnum, Gio.IOErrorEnum.CANCELLED)) logError(e); } } }, _updateVisible() { this.visible = this._dbusItem.propertyGetBool('visible'); }, _updateSensitive() { this.setSensitive(this._dbusItem.propertyGetBool('enabled')); }, _replaceSelf(newSelf) { // create our new self if needed if (!newSelf) newSelf = MenuItemFactory.createItem(this._dbusClient, this._dbusItem); // first, we need to find our old position let pos = -1; const family = this._parent._getMenuItems(); for (let i = 0; i < family.length; ++i) { if (family[i] === this) pos = i; } if (pos < 0) throw new Error("DBusMenu: can't replace non existing menu item"); // add our new self while we're still alive this._parent.addMenuItem(newSelf, pos); // now destroy our old self this.destroy(); }, }; /** * Utility functions not necessarily belonging into the item factory */ const MenuUtils = { moveItemInMenu(menu, dbusItem, newpos) { // HACK: we're really getting into the internals of the PopupMenu implementation // First, find our wrapper. Children tend to lie. We do not trust the old positioning. const family = menu._getMenuItems(); for (let i = 0; i < family.length; ++i) { if (family[i]._dbusItem === dbusItem) { // now, remove it menu.box.remove_child(family[i]); // and add it again somewhere else if (newpos < family.length && family[newpos] !== family[i]) menu.box.insert_child_below(family[i], family[newpos]); else menu.box.add(family[i]); // skip the rest return; } } }, }; /** * Processes DBus events, creates the menu items and handles the actions * * Something like a mini-god-object */ export class Client extends Signals.EventEmitter { constructor(busName, path, indicator) { super(); this._busName = busName; this._busPath = path; this._client = new DBusClient(busName, path); this._rootMenu = null; // the shell menu this._rootItem = null; // the DbusMenuItem for the root this.indicator = indicator; this.cancellable = new Util.CancellableChild(this.indicator.cancellable); this._client.initAsync(this.cancellable).catch(e => { if (!e.matches(Gio.IOErrorEnum, Gio.IOErrorEnum.CANCELLED)) logError(e); }); Util.connectSmart(this._client, 'ready-changed', this, () => this.emit('ready-changed')); } get isReady() { return this._client.isReady; } // this will attach the client to an already existing menu that will be used as the root menu. // it will also connect the client to be automatically destroyed when the menu dies. attachToMenu(menu) { this._rootMenu = menu; this._rootItem = this._client.getRoot(); this._itemsBeingAdded = new Set(); // cleanup: remove existing children (just in case) this._rootMenu.removeAll(); if (NEED_NESTED_SUBMENU_FIX) menu._setOpenedSubMenu = this._setOpenedSubmenu.bind(this); // connect handlers Util.connectSmart(menu, 'open-state-changed', this, this._onMenuOpened); Util.connectSmart(menu, 'destroy', this, this.destroy); Util.connectSmart(this._rootItem, 'child-added', this, this._onRootChildAdded); Util.connectSmart(this._rootItem, 'child-removed', this, this._onRootChildRemoved); Util.connectSmart(this._rootItem, 'child-moved', this, this._onRootChildMoved); // Dropbox requires us to call AboutToShow(0) first this._rootItem.sendAboutToShow(); // fill the menu for the first time const children = this._rootItem.getChildren(); children.forEach(child => this._onRootChildAdded(this._rootItem, child)); } _setOpenedSubmenu(submenu) { if (!submenu) return; if (submenu._parent !== this._rootMenu) return; if (submenu === this._openedSubMenu) return; if (this._openedSubMenu && this._openedSubMenu.isOpen) this._openedSubMenu.close(true); this._openedSubMenu = submenu; } _onRootChildAdded(dbusItem, child, position) { // Menu additions can be expensive, so let's do it in different chunks const basePriority = this.isOpen ? GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT : GLib.PRIORITY_LOW; const idlePromise = new PromiseUtils.IdlePromise( basePriority + this._itemsBeingAdded.size, this.cancellable); this._itemsBeingAdded.add(child); idlePromise.then(() => { if (!this._itemsBeingAdded.has(child)) return; this._rootMenu.addMenuItem( MenuItemFactory.createItem(this, child), position); }).catch(e => { if (!e.matches(Gio.IOErrorEnum, Gio.IOErrorEnum.CANCELLED)) logError(e); }).finally(() => this._itemsBeingAdded.delete(child)); } _onRootChildRemoved(dbusItem, child) { // children like to play hide and seek // but we know how to find it for sure! const item = this._rootMenu._getMenuItems().find(it => it._dbusItem === child); if (item) item.destroy(); else this._itemsBeingAdded.delete(child); } _onRootChildMoved(dbusItem, child, oldpos, newpos) { MenuUtils.moveItemInMenu(this._rootMenu, dbusItem, newpos); } _onMenuOpened(menu, state) { if (!this._rootItem) return; this._client.active = state; if (state) { if (this._openedSubMenu && this._openedSubMenu.isOpen) this._openedSubMenu.close(); this._rootItem.handleEvent('opened', null, 0); this._rootItem.sendAboutToShow(); } else { this._rootItem.handleEvent('closed', null, 0); } } destroy() { this.emit('destroy'); if (this._client) this._client.destroy(); this._client = null; this._rootItem = null; this._rootMenu = null; this.indicator = null; this._itemsBeingAdded = null; } }