// -*- mode: js; js-indent-level: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- import {Gio} from './dependencies/gi.js'; import {DBusMenuUtils} from './imports.js'; const DBusMenu = await DBusMenuUtils.haveDBusMenu(); export class LauncherEntryRemoteModel { constructor() { this._entrySourceStacks = new Map(); this._remoteMaps = new Map(); this._launcher_entry_dbus_signal_id = Gio.DBus.session.signal_subscribe(null, // sender 'com.canonical.Unity.LauncherEntry', // iface 'Update', // member null, // path null, // arg0 Gio.DBusSignalFlags.NONE, (_connection, senderName, _objectPath, _interfaceName, _signalName, parameters) => this._onUpdate(senderName, ...parameters.deep_unpack())); this._dbus_name_owner_changed_signal_id = Gio.DBus.session.signal_subscribe('org.freedesktop.DBus', // sender 'org.freedesktop.DBus', // interface 'NameOwnerChanged', // member '/org/freedesktop/DBus', // path null, // arg0 Gio.DBusSignalFlags.NONE, (connection, _senderName, _objectPath, _interfaceName, _signalName, parameters) => this._onDBusNameChange(...parameters.deep_unpack().slice(1))); this._acquireUnityDBus(); } destroy() { if (this._launcher_entry_dbus_signal_id) Gio.DBus.session.signal_unsubscribe(this._launcher_entry_dbus_signal_id); if (this._dbus_name_owner_changed_signal_id) Gio.DBus.session.signal_unsubscribe(this._dbus_name_owner_changed_signal_id); this._releaseUnityDBus(); } _lookupStackById(appId) { let sourceStack = this._entrySourceStacks.get(appId); if (!sourceStack) { sourceStack = new PropertySourceStack(new LauncherEntry(), launcherEntryDefaults); this._entrySourceStacks.set(appId, sourceStack); } return sourceStack; } lookupById(appId) { return this._lookupStackById(appId).target; } _acquireUnityDBus() { if (!this._unity_bus_id) { this._unity_bus_id = Gio.DBus.session.own_name('com.canonical.Unity', Gio.BusNameOwnerFlags.ALLOW_REPLACEMENT | Gio.BusNameOwnerFlags.REPLACE, null, () => (this._unity_bus_id = 0)); } } _releaseUnityDBus() { if (this._unity_bus_id) { Gio.DBus.session.unown_name(this._unity_bus_id); this._unity_bus_id = 0; } } _onDBusNameChange(before, after) { if (!before || !this._remoteMaps.size) return; const remoteMap = this._remoteMaps.get(before); if (!remoteMap) return; this._remoteMaps.delete(before); if (after && !this._remoteMaps.has(after)) { this._remoteMaps.set(after, remoteMap); } else { for (const [appId, remote] of remoteMap) { const sourceStack = this._entrySourceStacks.get(appId); const changed = sourceStack.remove(remote); if (changed) sourceStack.target._emitChangedEvents(changed); } } } _onUpdate(senderName, appUri, properties) { if (!senderName) return; const appId = appUri.replace(/(^\w+:|^)\/\//, ''); if (!appId) return; let remoteMap = this._remoteMaps.get(senderName); if (!remoteMap) this._remoteMaps.set(senderName, remoteMap = new Map()); let remote = remoteMap.get(appId); if (!remote) remoteMap.set(appId, remote = Object.assign({}, launcherEntryDefaults)); for (const name in properties) { if (name === 'quicklist' && DBusMenu) { const quicklistPath = properties[name].unpack(); if (quicklistPath && (!remote._quicklistMenuClient || remote._quicklistMenuClient.dbus_object !== quicklistPath)) { remote.quicklist = null; let menuClient = remote._quicklistMenuClient; if (menuClient) { menuClient.dbus_object = quicklistPath; } else { // This property should not be enumerable Object.defineProperty(remote, '_quicklistMenuClient', { writable: true, value: menuClient = new DBusMenu.Client({ dbus_name: senderName, dbus_object: quicklistPath, }), }); } const handler = () => { const root = menuClient.get_root(); if (remote.quicklist !== root) { remote.quicklist = root; if (sourceStack.isTop(remote)) { sourceStack.target.quicklist = root; sourceStack.target._emitChangedEvents(['quicklist']); } } }; menuClient.connect(DBusMenu.CLIENT_SIGNAL_ROOT_CHANGED, handler); } } else { remote[name] = properties[name].unpack(); } } const sourceStack = this._lookupStackById(appId); sourceStack.target._emitChangedEvents(sourceStack.update(remote)); } } const launcherEntryDefaults = Object.freeze({ count: 0, progress: 0, urgent: false, quicklist: null, 'count-visible': false, 'progress-visible': false, }); const LauncherEntry = class DashToDockLauncherEntry { constructor() { this._connections = new Map(); this._handlers = new Map(); this._nextId = 0; } connect(eventNames, callback) { if (typeof eventNames === 'string') eventNames = [eventNames]; callback(this, this); const id = this._nextId++; const handler = {id, callback}; eventNames.forEach(name => { let handlerList = this._handlers.get(name); if (!handlerList) this._handlers.set(name, handlerList = []); handlerList.push(handler); }); this._connections.set(id, eventNames); return id; } disconnect(id) { const eventNames = this._connections.get(id); if (!eventNames) return; this._connections.delete(id); eventNames.forEach(name => { const handlerList = this._handlers.get(name); if (handlerList) { for (let i = 0, iMax = handlerList.length; i < iMax; i++) { if (handlerList[i].id === id) { handlerList.splice(i, 1); break; } } } }); } _emitChangedEvents(propertyNames) { const handlers = new Set(); propertyNames.forEach(name => { const handlerList = this._handlers.get(`${name}-changed`); if (handlerList) { for (let i = 0, iMax = handlerList.length; i < iMax; i++) handlers.add(handlerList[i]); } }); Array.from(handlers).sort((x, y) => x.id - y.id).forEach(handler => handler.callback(this, this)); } }; for (const [name, defaultValue] of Object.entries(launcherEntryDefaults)) { const jsName = name.replace(/-/g, '_'); LauncherEntry.prototype[jsName] = defaultValue; if (jsName !== name) { Object.defineProperty(LauncherEntry.prototype, name, { get() { return this[jsName]; }, set(value) { this[jsName] = value; }, }); } } const PropertySourceStack = class DashToDockPropertySourceStack { constructor(target, bottom) { this.target = target; this._bottom = bottom; this._stack = []; } isTop(source) { return this._stack.length > 0 && this._stack[this._stack.length - 1] === source; } update(source) { if (!this.isTop(source)) { this.remove(source); this._stack.push(source); } return this._assignFrom(source); } remove(source) { const stack = this._stack; const top = stack[stack.length - 1]; if (top === source) { stack.length--; return this._assignFrom(stack.length > 0 ? stack[stack.length - 1] : this._bottom); } for (let i = 0, iMax = stack.length; i < iMax; i++) { if (stack[i] === source) { stack.splice(i, 1); break; } } return null; } _assignFrom(source) { const changedProperties = []; for (const name in source) { if (this.target[name] !== source[name]) { this.target[name] = source[name]; changedProperties.push(name); } } return changedProperties; } };